Last Weekend
The Weekend Before This One...
Life has become a series of weekends that just seem to blend into one another without fail, no weekdays or anything, just saturdays and sundays are all that exist to me anymore.I cant remember were the week went, i literally cant recall what i did on Monday...??? Is this a serious problem, waiting for Friday night to arrive so the weekend can go underway.
Not that its that big a deal i was just getting alittle worried about my frame of mind is all, i mean everybody craves the weekends its just that they dont completely zone out mon-fri just whilst in waiting.
There is a week and a half left till the SPECIAL DAY arrives!!! Valentine's Day!~~people are prepared but have idea of what other people are doing in that day. Please leave a comment about your "PLAN IN Valentine's Day" ideas so that everyhting can be worked out!!!
Anyway im going to watch the Super Mario Brothers Movie right now, as i love that movie and Bob Hoskins is funny...
At Thursday, February 15, 2007,
Alif said…
Sorry, I had not plan in the Valentine's Day. But, my younger brother had something to do. He bought cards for all his friends, and gave them in that day. Did have fun with the movies?
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